Chair, Professor, Ph.D., 1985, University of Southern California: Aerospace Engineering
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbomachinery, Aeroacoustics, Hydrodynamics, Ship Design, Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization (MDO) Methods
Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1985
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, California State University, Long Beach, 1979
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Tehran University, Iran, 1976
Research Centers:
Program Development& Assessment:
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Major Research Achievements:
Dr. Hefazi has made many contributions in a broad range of research in fluid mechanics, including geophysical fluid mechanics and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), with emphasis on the computation of transonic flows over complex geometries. His more recent research works have been on the application of CFD in turbomachinery, aerodynamic design optimization, aeroacoustics, hydrodynamics, ship design and advanced multidisciplinary design and optimization (MDO) methods. Dr. Hefazi has been the principal investigator for more than one-hundred externally funded research projects totaling over $10.6 million, including projects sponsored by the US Office of Naval Research, NASA, US National Science Foundation, and the Boeing Company among others. A multiyear ONR sponsored research led to the development of a unique high-speed ship (Technology Demonstrator) for US navy, built and operated by Navatek Ltd. The composite research lab directed by Dr. Hefazi, in collaboration with the Boeing company, developed the first comprehensive data for carbon composites under variable environmental conditions as part of NASA’s High Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) program. Dr. Hefazi has extensively worked as a consultant for wind-energy companies and the Prada 2000 and 2003 America's Cup Challenges in the areas of keel hull and sail performance for race boats. His work on wind turbine design has led to two US patent for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. He has written five book chapters and is the co-editor and a chapter
authors of the Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering. He is a member of the National
Academy of Inventors and an Associate Fellow of AIAA
Representative Research Grants.
Total research funding awarded: $10.6 M. Some selective grants are:
Representative Major Publications (out of 105 publications)