Why study Mechanical Engineering (ME) @ SUNY-Korea?
Mechanical Engineering is a foundational engineering discipline. Here are some reasons why you should choose ME @ SUNY Korea
Broad and Diverse Discipline
ME profession covers a broad range of products and services. They include Transportation Systems such as cars, ships, airplanes, trains, and UAVs, Power Generation Systems including jet engines, rockets, turbines, Energy, and Environments such as alternative fuels and hydrogen engines, Manufacturing including electronic manufacturing, Biomedical Systems such as robotic surgery systems, biomaterials, smart materials, Automation, and Robotics, such as autonomous vehicles, and smart factories, as well as a host of other products and services, too many to list.
Most Popular Engineering Major and a Stable Profession
ME is the number one undergraduate engineering major in terms of the number of students enrolled and the number of degrees awarded, both in Korea and in the United States. It also is one of the most stable engineering job markets. Because of its broad scope, the decline in employment in one sector of the industry is well covered by other segments.
Top Salaries, Entrepreneurial profession, and corporate management
With an average salary of 70 million KRW/ year in 2022, ME is a well-paid profession in Korea. Some studies suggest that ME salaries in Korea will increase by 28% during the next five years. Furthermore, ME is a very good field for entrepreneurship. A large number of mechanical engineers (MEs) start or have their own businesses providing products, services, and consulting directly to market or as suppliers to major companies. Due to a broad education, MEs also have a good skill set to become corporate managers and corporate leaders.
ME and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
Many of the technologies associated with 4IR are within the competency of MEs. They include smart transportation systems, robotics and automation, space travel, additive manufacturing, biomedical, and bioprinting technologies, and most importantly manufacturing electronic devices and platforms for the Internet of Things (IoT) and other systems, to name a few. Going forward, MEs will play an increasingly major role in achieving the full 4IR potential.
Practice-oriented Education and Profession.
Like all other engineering majors, the ME discipline is rooted in math, physics, and sciences. However, in ME theory is mixed with design, innovation, manufacturing, computer simulations, and experimentations to make it an exciting hands-on, practice-oriented field.
ME education @ SUNY Korea
There is consensus among educators that in this age 4IR, education in the 21st century must be global in scope. This is particularly true for countries such as Korea which have a wide global reach. Korean companies and businesses operate all over the world and Korean products are sold everywhere. The Korean economy needs to have an educated workforce that has a global perspective. SUNY Korea provides a unique platform for Koreans to get a global education in Korea.
Another hallmark of effective modern education is its breadth and flexibility. Engineering education in the 21st Century not only should focus on technical competencies but also on other skills such as communication, critical thinking, innovation, awareness of legal ethical issues related to the discipline and their impacts on society, etc. SUNY Korea, due to its global culture, is unique in integrating these aspects into its curricula as well through many extracurricular activities and events.
We aim to graduate students that are not only strong academically but have the necessary mindset and skillsets to “Change the World and Make History”. We aspire to educate the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, and thinkers that will make a difference in their communities and the world. In short, we view education from a much broader perspective compared to what some other traditional universities may do.
ABET Accredited Program.
ME program at SUNY Korea is the first and only program in the Republic of Korea that is accredited by the American ABET (Formerly called Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology). ABET accreditation means that the program meets or exceeds all of the standards of mechanical engineering education in the US. Transfer of degrees and courses from an ABET-accredited program to any other US university is generally seamless and easy.