2003: After death of Prof. Krause, Prof. T. Sikora (Department of Communications Engineering)
and Prof. W. Sendlmeier (Speech Communications and Phonetics) assume supervision
1998: Start of PhD at Technical University of Berlin (Prof. M. Krause, Prof. H. de la Motte); Upon
recommendation of Prof. Krause, the Institute of Communication Science established
conditions for my degree
1997: Qualification (magister artium, mark “sehr gut“), published as a book in the “Beiträge zur
Musikpsychologie“ series (LIT, editor K.-E. Behne)
1995-1997: University of Münster/ Psychology of music: Prof. H. Gembris
1983/84-1990: University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms - Universität) /Musicology (main subject: historical musicology): Prof. K. Hortschansky/ Philosophy: Prof. U. Hoyer/ Literature: Prof. H. Geulen
1974-1983: Wilhelm – Hittorf – Gymnasium, Münster
1970-1974: St. Ida primary school, Münster
2016 – 2022: Chief of laboratory, Shinan Information & Communication Co, Ltd
End of 2014, 2015: Installation of a wavefield synthesis system at Gwacheon church (near Seoul)
2014 – 2015: Employee of the company 3Q Medien/Potsdam (streaming provider) for development of audio/video streaming processes, systems for automatic quality inspection of compressed videos and for the further development of theirCDN (content delivery network).
2014: Participant of “Roots Advanced Acoustic Systems“ (RAAS) at Seoul / Korea
2013: Foundation of the company “Virtual Acoustics and Array-Technologies“ (VAAT) for the development and commercialization of acoustic devices based on array-technologies
2010 – 2013: Research fellow at Film and Television University Potsdam Babelsberg. Establishment of the technology transfer office at the Film and Television University Potsdam Babelsberg.
2008 – 2010: Research fellow at Film and Television University Potsdam Babelsberg. Head of the project „Semantic structuring of digital media libraries for the automation of audio production processes”. Head of the project „Studio Babelsberg Historical Platform“.
1999: Start of teaching at Technical University of Berlin.
1994 – 1997: Work for and collaboration with the company “ADT-Jüngling”, Gladbeck, to develop, produce and sell electronic sound processors for recording studios. Presentation at the “Tonmeistertagung”, Karlsruhe 1994.
1991 – 1998: Freelance for “MundArt” recording studio, multimedia production, advertising (audio and video), film projects for documentation and presentation and sound design.
1988 – 2004: Service technician for professional audio and video equipment (partly as employee of the company “Musicland“, Münster). Service technician for recording studios in the Münster area.Development of electronic equipment for use in recording studios. Consultant for audio and video technology, especially for introducing new technologies. Commissions for electronic development (e.g. measurement devices for the “Institut für Chemo- und Biosensorik”, Münster). Inhouse consulting for Alpha CRC Ltd., Cambridge, technical translations.
1986 – 2002: Recording engineer, mainly for classical music, technical and artistic support for CD production.
Course taught
2008 – 2011: University of Potsdam – Department of Computer Science, Media Engineering
2006 – 2010: Film and Television University Potsdam Babelsberg
2003 – 2009: University of Applied Sciences of Berlin – Department of Computer Science and Media
1999 – 2006: Technical University of Berlin – Department of Communication Technology
Since 1999: Responsible for several graduations at these universities