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Yoojin Lee Won 2nd Place in the Wilson Competition in NY​
Hits : 841 Registration Date : 2022-09-13 Author : Administrator

“I feel like I am more myself when I wear the look or the outfit I imagined, I feel an incredible sense of joy and pride when I create clothes. I love the sense of accomplishment, as I navigate through tough processes, while it's all coming together," said Lee.

Yoojin Lee, one of FIT AAS degree program alumni, won 2nd place in the Wilson Competition in New York.

Wilson has teamed up with IHG Hotels & Resorts and FIT to create student-designed ball gowns in celebration of this year’s US Open Tournament. The US Open is a tennis tournament held annually in New York. Each gown was designed with, and inspired by, Wilson’s official US Open tennis ball.

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