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CO;Ders received the Minister Prize from the Ministry of Education​
Hits : 923 Registration Date : 2021-01-19 Author : Administrator

CO;Ders, a student club at SUNY Korea, has been elected as an Outstanding Educational Volunteering Club by the Ministry of Education and KOFAC (Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity).  


In acknowledgement of the coding programs which students voluntarily offered at various elementary, middle and high schools in Songdo, CO;Ders received a medal, and a certificate from the Minister of Education.


The name CO;Ders is the combination of code with ers (people doing something). As a coding club that welcomes anyone who is interested in coding, the biggest goal of CO;Ders is to help more students know how easy and fun coding is. 






*If you have any questions, please send an email to CO;Ders at 


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