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Class format beyond April 2, 2021​
Hits : 772 Registration Date : 2021-03-29 Author : Administrator

Dear Students and Faculty,



I hope you are all having a safe and healthy semester while enjoying your classes.



Earlier in February we announced our plan for Spring classes as you can see in the email I am including below for your reference.



As we assess the Covid-19 situation today, we have decided to continue the current mode of classes until April 23, 2021. We will reassess the situation on April 19, 2021 and decide whether to continue with the current plan beyond April 26, 2021 or not.



Academic Affairs will follow up with class-specific information soon and Student Affairs will follow up with housing-related information as it gets finalized with the IGC Foundation.



Please follow the Covid-19 safety measures at all times.



We hope to see you all on campus with in-person classes soon.






Arthur Lee

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